Lars Bollerslev

Bollerslev´s paintings are borne by, or even born of, the rich dark clay which forms the subsoil in the Wadden Sea.

Lone Schloo Erhardsen, i kunsthistorie

Lars Bollerslevs paintings are at once vibrant and monumental. The colors are glowing and smouldering or condenses in darkgray nordic melancholy.
Tom Jørgensen, Kunstavisen


Video: The exhibition in Galleri Sct. Gertrud - Copenhagen (2018)


Purchasing a work of art

Should you be interested in purchasing a painting you have seen on this website, please get in touch with me directly or contact any of the art galleries I am affiliated with.

I also offer private showings or trials of individual paintings in your home.


Art societies

Art societies and art circles are welcome to visit my studio.

Please get in touch if you wish to make arrangements for an exhibition in your art society or art circle.


Video: The exhibition "Foreland" in the new Wadden Sea Centre (2018) 


Video: The light of the Wadden Sea

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